Monday, November 30, 2009

Week 21 Part 2- PREM progress and misc details

The other area of good progress in Week 21 (third full week of October) was around the PREM building. The hole for this structure has been open for months and we've been looking forwarding to getting it backfilled for a long time! First we needed various manholes and process piping to be installed which has been accomplished in recent weeks.

Dampproofing and backfilling were done in stages- here's a round of backfill going in looking at the northeast corner-

Then some dampproofing action-

Here's a look at the southwest corner, the black line of dampproofing material shows where the ground level will be in the near future. The pink line on the ground to the left is where a staircase will be constructed soon-

Other than the PREM area some work has continued steadily inside the Treatment building. The Clarifier tanks needed some slopes built onto the floor where suction hoods will be installed. Here are some forms in place and a view of the clean-up process afterwards-

Here's a look at Brian Dripps of CNI and Jason of Owens Construction lining out the next phase of work- the Operations Building-

Back at the PREM, once the backfill was in place a critical vault was installed on the north side, and that's all we have for this week!

Week 21 Part 1- Lift Station progress

This week we made good progress on the Lift Stations by pouring lids on both of them.

Here we have the rebar in place for LS-1's lid and the crew ready to pour "mud" (concrete)-

John Gabbard is on the hose and one or two guys follow along with the vibrator-

Once enough concrete is in place "rodding" begins which involves a couple crew on a two-by-four, striking the concrete level-

Then someone works the bull float to get a better finish on the surface-

And viola! We have a smooth, fresh concrete lid on our lift station!

But it only leads to more work! Now we have to build an access vault to reach eventual ground level-

Over at Lift Station-2, on the main site, the same process is repeated-

And this is why they call it "mud"!